Monday, July 23, 2012

Hi mom,

All is well here. they just told us of the transfers. I ain´t goin´ anywhere. I will still 
stay here in Contreras. I was realy suprised because the Mission president said
 in our interview last week that i have already been here quite a while (hinting
 that i would be transferred), but I know from past experiences, that Brother Valadez
 and President Valadez are sometimes not the same. The revelation comes to 
President Valadez, and what Brother valadez says on one occasion is not
 necessarily what happens. I will finish here I think (barring any special transfers),
 with 7 1/2 months, my longest time in an area. Still here with Elder Hubbard, he
 is great as always.

One of the district leaders in our zone was mugged the other day and was 
sent to the municipal building (the delegation they call it). One of the sisters 
in the wards near the building saw the detained misionaries and informed
 another companionship in that district, so they in turn notified us, we notified 
the assistant and then he notified President, all very very fast. Then President
 called me and verified the information and ended up going to the municipal
 building and collecting the missionaries. Right now they are living with the 
assistants and will be moved to another delegation (county). their area is being
 closed this transfer, but luckily they are OK. they jsut lost some money and
 the cell phone, but managed to keep their SIM card so we can still call them.
 They were beat up a little but nothing serious. I really gained a testimony of
 how the Lord protects us and watches out for us, and how the organization
 of the church is perfect...especially in emergencies.

Also I was almost hit by a truck this week. There are no sidewalks here so 
there is no choice but to walk in the streets. Generally those driving know
 this and are respectful of the pedestrians. but this guy had a little truck
 with a rack on back to haul things (maybe bales of hay or something like that).
 He was driving forward, stopped, and threw it in reverse and sped up really
 fast not even paying attention to what was behind him. I was behind him, 
looking down a street to determine if it was the right one. I didn´t even see 
him, but my companion did at the last second and said ´watchout!´in spanish 
I just saw it in time and ducked out of the way. He still didn´t see us and my 
companion ran around the corner. Afterward when he finally saw us, he just
 slammed on the brakes (a useless reaction at this point). We continued 
down teh street and just looked at him (not a dirty look, but one that seemed
 to say, do you realize what could have just happened?). he didn´t say
 anything. oh well, but again, the lord protects us, and gives us companions
 for something.

Well that´s about all the exciting news for now. thanks for the report of your
 vacations and I will be looking forward to the pictures. Love you much.

Elder Bunker