Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Elder Daniel Bunker and companion Elder Padrones Salvador from Granada, Spain,


We had a training meeting this week from the Mission President (just our district here in Price). It started out with the missionaries throwing around rumors about missionary work on Facebook in some missions. President Leonard wanted to clarify everything, so he just blew us all away with the following:

-Within 3 years, this mission will have iPads, which will replace all of the area books, investigator teaching records, weekly numbers, schedules, church DVD's (they will all be on the iPad), maps with ward boundaries, it will have GPS, etc.--Way cool!

-We will be getting texting VERY soon as missionaries because while people don't answer doors, phone calls, messages, post-it's on the door, etc, they DO answer texts, so our mission will be going in that direction very soon.

-10 Missionaries have been called to serve in chatting (instant messaging) missions at the MTC, where they proselyte on the computer. This opens up a whole different world. The prophesy that the gospel will be preached unto every nation, kindred, tongue, people, doesn't necessarily mean having full time missionaries walking the streets. Where there's internet in a country, there's opportunity to share the gospel. So far, these missionaries have baptized 110 people. is rapidly becoming a sharing tool. We as missionaries were permitted to visit this website during P-day emailing time to explore it and tell our investigators about it. Please go and setup a profile and share your testimony to the world.

-In the meantime, portable DVD players are being slowly distributed to areas. This enables us to show/watch training DVD's & church DVD's only. They are truly placing a lot of trust in us as missionaries. This especially will help for those investigators who don't have access to a TV or DVD Player in their house when we visit.

While I won't see the iPad in my time as a missionary, I hope to help the church develop through the technology department of the church. That is right up my alley in programming. It is truly exciting to see how the Lord is using technology to roll forth the great stone cut from the mountain.

I testify that our Father wants his children back. You and I and everyone else can help with that. Go to and explore it. Set up a profile. Share your testimony--it's simple and will stand much longer than we will live.

Stay close the the Lord! I love you all and miss you!

Elder Bunker

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Groups & Surprise Talks

All is well here for week 7 in the mission field (it's hard to believe I started my mission 2 1/2 months ago already)-- 21 1/2 glorious months left to bring souls unto Christ.

We have a spanish branch here in Price, and a Spanish Group in Huntington (a group is smaller than a branch). We alternate attending each week, and yesterday was my first time attending the group. It turns out that the Group Leader (similar to branch president/bishop) had me scheduled to topic or anything specific, so I just talked about faith. I've learned so much about faith during my intense study of the new testament. Faith is a real power, nothing philosophical or mysterious. A physical power--such that it overcame the force of Gravity when Peter was walking on the water to Christ, such that Christ himself physically could not perform miracles in one of the cities due to their lack of faith--it didn't say he would not perform them, but rather that he COULD NOT. I'm still studying faith, but it is something very concrete and real.

It was kind of funny yesterday at the group. We showed up at 9:00, no one there (it was supposed to start at 9). at 9:05, the pianist and chorister showed up. At 9:10, the leadership showed up (there previous meeting was running late). At 9:15, the first family showed up. At 9:20, another 1 or 2 people showed up, so we started. it was a very small meeting, but it was good.

As I am closely reading the New Testament, the entire gospel is there. All of it. Right there in Acts in one chapter ( i don't recall which right now...maybe ch. 2) is Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the end. The same doctrine that Christ taught in 3rd Nephi 27. I am loving it.

We spoke with a man a while ago who is of another religion (pretty strongly). He said that our church was corrupt because according to Galatians 1:8-9, any different gospel brought from an Angel is corrupt. He was referring to the Angel Moroni appearing to Joseph Smith. In my personal studies, I explored that scripture a little more. What was happening is that the apostles (I believe Paul specifically) were writing this letter to admonish the saints for changing the teachings, doctrine, etc, and following a different gospel than that preached by the apostles. The scripture actually says that if the APOSTLES OR EVEN AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN bring a different gospel, it is corrupt. Since the apostles include themselves and include the extreme case of that of an angel coming down from heaven, it is not the means by which a different gospel comes that makes it corrupt, but rather whether it is DIFFERENT from that taught by Christ and the apostles. Which brings the question: What doctrine is different from that which Christ taught? Well we can look at the church Christ set up: Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, revelation, priesthood keys & authority, have no other Gods before God & Christ, worship only them, temples, seventies, missionaries 2 by 2, non-paid ministry, etc. Now look at all Christian religions established today. Who has all these? Who is one of the farthest removed?
I reject the notion that [our church is corrupt because of heavenly personages, including the Father & Son, appeared to Joseph Smith to restore everything previously established by Christ, bringing the gospel]. I do reject any church that has become so far removed (the DIFFERENT gospel) from that taught by Christ.

I may not be a biblical scholar, but I hate attacks against my faith that are based on out-of-context & are not scriptural truth. We don't bash with modern-day Pharisees & Scribes, but I do defend. I'm trying to understand the scriptures for myself. I understand now why the bible is the farthest thing from "common ground among all Christian Religions", for it is the spawning ground of contention--everyone has their own interpretation of it and they are right while everyone else is wrong. No wonder Joseph Smith, a 14-year-old boy, was so confused about which church was the correct one. I would be too at that time.

Well there is my rant for the week. But it was good to be able to defend Christ (to myself...I didn't share this with that man) and clarify what the scriptures actually say. He is my shepherd, I know his voice. When he comes again and calls, I hope to recognize his voice. I am serving my mission to help other people recognize His voice too. I have been warned, and am in the process of warning my neighbors.
I testify of Christ. He lives. He has a resurrected body. We are engraved in the palms of his hands. He numbers us and knows us one-by-one. He loves us. He succors us according to our needs. He is.

I love all of you and miss you.
Have a great week & draw closer to the Lord.
Elder Bunker

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Jolly Spaniards

This last week has been a busy one. On Wednesday I got a call from the Assistants to the President, and they asked me to pack up that night and be ready to leave in the morning for Richfield, UT. I packed up and was all ready to go, then at 10:00 that night they called and said "change of plans. You're staying in Ephraim." So I started unpacking--not all the way though. On Friday, they called again and asked me to be ready in 2 hours to leave to Salina, UT, where we do transfers. They said I will be going to Price, UT, Spanish speaking. So that's where I am now!
I am companions with Elder Padrones, from Spain. It's so cool to hear his accent--it's very different from Mexicans, Peruvians, & Guatemalans. He is a very jolly fellow, always anxious to get to work. He has been out for about a year.
We ate at a branch member's house yesterday. The food was so delicious! It was Sopes (also called Gorditas in one state in Mexico). Sopes are fried tortillas as a base, with shredded beef, fresh shredded cheese, cream, lettuce, guacamole, & broth with cooked carrot pieces on top. So good! Also, we topped it with fresh pico de gallo (a blended up salsa--mostly liquid). Super spicy but very tasty! I think it is my favorite Mexican dish so far.
Price is pretty crazy. Within the first week here, I've learned about a not-really-serious death threat against the missionaries, translated for a court case for one of our investigators, translated for a Mission-Leader training meeting, been offered a Corona by a "progressing investigator" (the bottle was full, so that's a good thing--I hope they're not drinking), helped lay down laminate flooring for one of the Group Leaders (a group is smaller than a branch, which is smaller than a ward--a group has no priesthood keys), etc. Lots of fun/crazy stuff.
I'm sure learning a lot more about Jesus Christ. Having a few hours in the morning every day really does help increase your understanding of the scriptures and how they apply to your life. This is my time to come to know Jesus Christ even better-- to be a witness of Him, His resurrection, and His Gospel.
Recently I have had the opportunity of talking to some Bible-bashers (not bashing with them, just talking). Everytime we bear testimony to them, they just brush it off and "share their opinion of what the bible says". I have come to realize why the church sends out unlearned 19-year-olds. Our job is to invite all to come unto Christ. I know Christ. I don't know the bible as well as those other ministers who have gone to a college for years and years studying the bible. Since I know Christ, that is all the tooling that I need to do my job. I may not be able to answer every question that others have. But God can. My primary personal goal is to establish the communication between my investigator and God. To teach them how to pray. To wait for an answer. To pay attention to their feelings and the promptings of the Spirit. If they are not willing to set aside all their prejudice and try what we are asking them to do (read, pray, ask, wait for a response), then it's time to move on. That is why we don't bible bash with others. Even if I knew the Bible inside and out, I still wouldn't, because they are not trying to learn, try, ask, but rather to confound, ensnare, and trap.
Which is why I am so greatful for my testimony. Nobody can give that to me but God, nobody can take it away from me but me. I testify that God is there, living, interested in our lives, ready to dump the bucket of blessings on us. I testify that after the death of the apostles, the priesthood authority, power, and keys were lost from the earth, leaving the unbelieving people to their own self-denial. I testify that God has given the people of the earth time to change their hearts, remember him, and seek him out, that he has once again opened the heavens, brought truth from the ground and righteousness from the heavens, to restore those priesthood authority, power, and keys for the benefit of his Children and his Kingdom on earth. I leave that testimony in the name of Jesus Christ.
I love you all and miss you. Grow closer to the Lord every day.
Elder Bunker

Thursday, November 4, 2010

We invited our investigators to a pumpkin carving contest that our spanish branch put on. We got to carve a pumpkin too!
left to right: me, Elder Lora, Elder Johnson
center front: Elder Calabaza (pumpkin)
the carving was a joint effort.
The other picture is when all the pumpkins were lined up to be judged. Sadly, we didn't win, but the judge came up afterward and said he thought we would be able to handle the disappointment better than the kids :)
Elder Bunker

Decked-Out School Buses & Exchange Students

Dear Friends & Family,
This week was very slow for missionary work. Monday we had a Zone Conference, Tuesday was our P-day, Thursday we had a 2-zone temple trip to the Manti Temple, Saturday night was halloween (celebrated on saturday instead of sunday in Utah) so we had to be in by 5pm, and Sunday we had 4 hours of ward correlation meetings, plus church.
Halloween in Utah is a bit unique for missionaries. Apparently many people dress up as missionaries and then without thinking are doing things that missionaries are not allowed to do. In the past the mission president has received many phone calls from members about inappropriate behavior. So the mission president ordered all missionaries in by 5pm, so he can be confident that no true missionaries are doing the alleged things. We gathered our district here at the Ephraim Institute building and played basketball, sardines, boardgames, pool, pingpong, fooseball (in spanish we call it futbolito, or little soccer). It was a blast.
We taught a sheep herder who lives on his boss's ranch. He lives in a little trailer up in the hills. His boss owns an old schoolbus that is all decked-out with electricity, an oven, sinks, water, sewer, etc. It's like a mobile home--the seats are removed. We taught him in the school bus. It was rather interesting, kind of fun.
We are teaching a highschool foreign exchange student from Brazil. He goes to the English ward with his host family, but he prefers the lessons we teach in Spanish. Spanish and Portugese are close enough for him to understand. He is really a great person. We are also teaching another exchange student from Colombia in spanish, but she isn't too interested because there was nobody her age in the Spanish Branch. We'll see if we can get her some fellowshippers from the English wards who speak spanish.
Other than that, I don't have much news to report. It is still going well here. The Lord is kind and provides well for those who seek to declare his word--of that I can testify (free groceries always helps!).
I love you all, Stay close to the Lord!
Elder Bunker