Monday, November 14, 2011


Hello All!
I was thinking this week about the mission and life in general. They say that we must pass through our own Gethsemane in the mission. But I think that the mission IS Gethsemane and life IS Gethsemane. Remember when Christ was in Gethsemane? He was accompanied by 3 of his 12 apostles, Peter, James, and John. So they 4 were there. I think the difference is HOW we pass our time in Gethsemane. How did Peter, James, and John pass the time in Gethsemane? Sleeping. And Christ? In Luke 22:42-44 it tells us that an Angel appeared to him to strengthen him, and, being in agony, prayed MORE INTENSELY. Do we pass through the mission or life sleeping? Do we do our church duties while sleeping spiritually? Or do we really recognize the significance, importance, and reality of them? Elder HOlland said, citing a prophet, in General Conference of April 2011 that the Gospel exists to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. If we really understand this moment in life, then we have the gospel to help. Life is hard, a gethsemane. Do we pray more intensely when in agony? or do we not even have agony because we are asleep and not paying attention?
Just a few thoughts. Strengthen your testimony, stay close to the Lord.
Love you all
Elder Bunker