Saturday, July 23, 2011

Below Pictures are of Dan and his companion before becoming a "new father". This companion was transferred out after Dan had been there 3 weeks. The other pics are of newly baptized members. He is doing great, sloshing through rain (daily) but loving the work. He is doing really well with his newbie just fresh from the MTC.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I´m a daddy! (please read whole letter for clarification...)

Hello all,
Sorry I haven´t written in a while. But here it goes.
It has been raining. Still. I think we´re on our 3rd or 4th week straight of rain everyday. It doesn´t rain the whole day. It´s usually sunny and hot (80 degrees) until about 4 or 5pm. then it´s rainy the rest of the day. and it rains HARD. with HAIL. Big hail. that hurts. But on the bright side, there hasn´t been much smog or pollution to bother us. It really cleans things up here. Except when the storm drains on the streets get stopped up and it floods and the cars speed by, splashing us and having wet shoes and dirty pants for the next 3 days. But those are just the wonderful experiences of the mission that keep the tracting from getting monotonous. When it rains, the temperature lowers to about 65 degrees. It{s really wonderful and refreshing.
Well I was in Meyehualco 6 weeks ago. Then my companion, Elder Garcia, was transferred. My new companion was Elder Veloz, and I was with him for 3 weeks. Then I was emergency transferred here in Reforma with Elder Perea halfway through the transfer. Now I just found out that Elder Perea is being transferred tomorrow, and am receiving a new missionary to train/instruct him. It´s a huge reponsibility, but I´m excited to actually have a companion with the fire and zeal of the MTC. I expect great things. In the mission jargon, I´m having my first-born son! I´m a daddy :) I don´t know who it is yet, but I will find out tomorrow where we are having transfer meeting. He will be my 12th companion (that´s a lot), mainly because of emergency transfers and being in threesomes in Utah. Anyhow, I´m really really really excited for the change. It has been really difficult these 3 weeks, because before, the missionaries didn´t work very hard. My new companion and I will be doing a lot of cleaning in the area.
I have sure done a lot of growing in these past 6 weeks. I taught my last area to my companion in 3 weeks, and I learned this area in 3 weeks. It wasn{t too hard because this area was a bit slow when I arrived. But now we are planning on 3 baptisms in the next 2 weeks, and they are pretty sure.
Well that´s about it for this week. One more thing: We eat cactus here. Without the thorns of course,but it has a really weird texture. I dont really like it, but I don´t say anything. The fruit of the cactus is really tasty, especially when frozen. We call it Tuna here. Also, mangos are really good. Sad we don´t have fresh mangos in the states.
Love you all.
Elder Bunker

Monday, July 4, 2011


Mexico Mexico City South Mission

Av. Progreso 106, 3° Piso

Barrio Santa Catarina, Coyoacán

DF, México 04010
