Hello all,
This is a quick letter today. Our district leader is all about planning preparation days to fit in as much as possible. We played basketball this morning, we´re going to play pool, then we´re going to the Centro again (it´s pretty much like downtown Chicago- a bunch of little shops, etc), then we´re going to return and have our district meeting early and finish the night by watching the Prince of Egypt at a family´s home. It´s pretty amazing that we got permission for all of that in one day, but i´m grateful for it.
Well let me tell you about an experience yesterday. I was studying a chapter in Preach my Gospel, and I came across a sentence that said your investigators should attend various sacrament meetings before baptism. Well one of our investigators had only been once but he was to be baptized that day. I had the impression of ¨he´s not ready. don´t baptize him yet´ I (being stupid) ignored the thought because of course he was going to be at church today. At church, he wasn´t there during the first half of the meetings. Again the same idea came to my mind. Again (stupid me), i ignored it. We were sitting in sacrament meeting and Bishop announced the baptisms of Jorge and Pati. During sacrament meeting I had the idea also to go right after sacrament and visit Jorge (despite the trip we had to make to the stake center to report our week´s work). I brushed it off with the reasoning that we didn´t have time.
Later that day at 7:25 (the baptism for both of them was to be at 7:30), Jorge wasn´t there yet. We called him at it turns out that he had a car accident with his nephew the night before adn that he couldn´t make it to the baptism. Only Pati was the only one baptized that yesterday. I keep telling myself now that I have to heed the thoughts that come to mind such as those ones. Now I know.
Anyhow the baptism of Pati was great. She asked me to do the baptism, so I did. Her son had been baptized a year ago, and her husband i´sn´t a member. But they both came and supported her. It was a sweet, spirit-filled service. I´ll send pictures in a week...i don´t have much time today.
Love you all and hope you´re great
Elder Bunker