Called as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Entering the Provo, UT MTC on 1 September 2010 and departing to the México México City South Mission on 1 November 2010
Returned home with an honorable release on 5 September 2012.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
We had a training meeting this week from the Mission President (just our district here in Price). It started out with the missionaries throwing around rumors about missionary work on Facebook in some missions. President Leonard wanted to clarify everything, so he just blew us all away with the following:
-Within 3 years, this mission will have iPads, which will replace all of the area books, investigator teaching records, weekly numbers, schedules, church DVD's (they will all be on the iPad), maps with ward boundaries, it will have GPS, etc.--Way cool!
-We will be getting texting VERY soon as missionaries because while people don't answer doors, phone calls, messages, post-it's on the door, etc, they DO answer texts, so our mission will be going in that direction very soon.
-10 Missionaries have been called to serve in chatting (instant messaging) missions at the MTC, where they proselyte on the computer. This opens up a whole different world. The prophesy that the gospel will be preached unto every nation, kindred, tongue, people, doesn't necessarily mean having full time missionaries walking the streets. Where there's internet in a country, there's opportunity to share the gospel. So far, these missionaries have baptized 110 people. is rapidly becoming a sharing tool. We as missionaries were permitted to visit this website during P-day emailing time to explore it and tell our investigators about it. Please go and setup a profile and share your testimony to the world.
-In the meantime, portable DVD players are being slowly distributed to areas. This enables us to show/watch training DVD's & church DVD's only. They are truly placing a lot of trust in us as missionaries. This especially will help for those investigators who don't have access to a TV or DVD Player in their house when we visit.
While I won't see the iPad in my time as a missionary, I hope to help the church develop through the technology department of the church. That is right up my alley in programming. It is truly exciting to see how the Lord is using technology to roll forth the great stone cut from the mountain.
I testify that our Father wants his children back. You and I and everyone else can help with that. Go to and explore it. Set up a profile. Share your testimony--it's simple and will stand much longer than we will live.
Stay close the the Lord! I love you all and miss you!
Elder Bunker